- Access & Opening Hours
- Membership & Guests
- Fitness & Wellness
- Work & Electronics
- Food & Beverage
- Private Offices
- Other
- Force Majeure
- Liability
For Individual/Adult, Partner, Under 25, Resident Desk and Private Office memberships, members are granted access to the clubhouse at the following times:
Mon: 7am-7pm                      Fri: 7am-10pm
Tues: 7am-7pm                      Sat: 7am-10pm
Wed: 7am-7pm                      Sun: 7am-7pm (winter opening 8am-3pm)
Thurs: 7am-10pm
Weekend memberships are granted access at the same times, for Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays.
The exemptions to this are
Christmas Eve: CLOSED**
Christmas Day: CLOSED
Boxing Day: CLOSED
New Years Eve: CLOSED**
New Years Day: CLOSED
Easter Sunday: CLOSED
**If members wish to access the clubhouse between 8am and 12pm on these days please contact management on 07966230603
These times are all subject to review.
- Members are able to check in at reception using their membership fob or digital card. This fob or digital card cannot be transferred or borrowed by anyone else.
- If lost, the member must inform reception. A replacement fee of £15 will be charged for a new fob.
- Resident Desk and Private Office members are able to access their workspace via the back entrance.
- A limited number of car parking spaces are available on site.
- Car parking spaces cannot be reserved and are on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Electric car charging is available and can be accessed using the membership fob. Any costs incurred will be charged to the member’s account.
- Further information about the tiers and fees is available on the website.
- Individual/Adult: membership for adults of 25 years old and over.
- Partner: for partners or spouses who live in the same address.
- Under 25: for members under the age of 25 but over 18.
- Weekend: for members who require access to the clubhouse on weekends only. Access also granted on bank holidays.
- Resident Desk: for Individual, Partner or Under 25 members who have a permanent allocated desk space.
- Private Office: for Individual, Partner or Under 25 members who have a permanent allocated office for a team of up to 7 people. The person or entity who applies for a Private Office membership (the ‘Designated Member’) must give the names of all 5, 6 or 7 individuals who will be occupying the office. The named individuals will automatically become Individual members and must agree to these rules.
- Individual, Partner, Under 25 and Weekend members may, subject to availability, upgrade their memberships to Resident Desk or Private Office memberships at any time during their membership.
- Joining fees are paid on confirmation of membership and are non-refundable.
- Private Office memberships require a 1 month’s deposit to be paid up front which will be kept in Barnsgrove’s Deposit Protection Scheme.
- Memberships are 1-year subscriptions paid upfront for the year at the start of the membership, or on a monthly basis. Access to the club/other facilities will not be possible until such subscription fees are paid.
- For Private Office memberships, the Designated Member is responsible for the payment of fees, the individual members will not pay individual membership fees.
- Members who have (subject to availability) upgraded to the Resident Desk or Private Office memberships will begin paying the corresponding membership fee on upgrade either as a 1-year subscription or on a monthly basis (as selected by them).
- Subject to availability and consultation with Barnsgrove, Private Office memberships may add an extra member for £450 plus VAT per extra member per month.
- All fees are subject to increase on renewal, as reviewed by Barnsgrove.
A member may be subject to expulsion or suspension if such member is alleged to have:
- Acted in breach of the clubhouse rules.
- Engaged in conduct whether inside or outside the clubhouse which is dishonest or prejudicial.
- Been involved with the direct or indirect discrimination or victimisation of persons, including staff, because of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, nationality, citizenship, sex, sexual orientation, age, status, disability, religion or political persuasion.
- Been expelled or suspended from Barnsgrove; such member may not return to Barnsgrove as a guest.
- After the first year of membership, if an Individual/Adult, Partner, Under 25 or Weekend member wants to cancel, they may. However, if they wish to re-join, they will have to re-join the waitlist, a joining fee will be applicable and current rates at that time will apply.
- Individual/Adult, Partner, Under 25 and Weekend members may resign by giving 30 days’ notice in writing to the Membership team at Their membership will then expire on their annual renewal date.
- Resident Desk and Private Office members may resign from such Resident Desk or Private Office membership (as applicable) at any time by giving 3 months’ notice, such notice to expire no earlier than the end of their year’s subscription if such member has originally signed up for 1 year. Subject to the foregoing, after the 3-month notice period, their membership reverts to their original Individual, Partner, Under 25 or Weekend membership. Any Private Office member who is not the Designated Member automatically loses their membership but may sign up in their individual capacity as an Individual, Partner, Under 25 or Weekend member at any time.
- For Private Office memberships, following the 3-month notice period, the deposit (or any balance thereof) is repayable after Barnsgrove’s inspection of the office.
- Renewals occur annually. They are not automatic and will be reviewed every year at time of renewal.
- Members will be given 1 month’s notice prior to their annual renewal date. If the membership fee has not been received by this date, the member will be given 14 days’ grace. Following this, access to the club will be denied if the payment is not settled. Any late payment will be backdated to the renewal date due.
- Upon turning 25 years old, Under 25 members will transfer to Individual members and the Individual membership rate at that time will be applicable at the member’s next renewal date.
- For a Partner membership, both members need to be active at time of renewal to benefit from the lower rate. Barnsgrove reserves the right to request proof of address at annual renewal. Should there be a change in circumstances which would no longer entitle the Partner membership, members should inform the Membership team and the change in rate will apply at renewal.
- Under certain circumstances, the Membership team may agree to freeze a membership, for instance if the member has an injury or pregnancy. This request must be submitted in writing to the Membership team.
- Every member shall inform the Membership team of any change of their address, email or other contact details, as well as any change to payment details that may affect the renewal of membership. All personal data collected in relation to a specific membership shall be handled and processed by Barnsgrove in accordance with the Barnsgrove privacy and cookies policy – see here.
- Membership is non-transferrable.
- Each member profile shall have an up-to-date photograph of the member (sent during the application process). Members should update their photo every 5 years.
- The member’s digital card and fob are only to be used by the member themselves. If a member’s fob is lost or stolen, this must be immediately reported for replacement. Should someone be discovered using another member’s fob at reception, it will be taken, the member notified and necessary measures will be implemented.
- All guests are asked to sign in at reception where they will wait for the member to accompany them into the clubhouse.
- Guests are welcome into our bar and lounge area, as well as into a meeting room if this has been booked.
- Members (including any members of a Private Office) are gifted 3 guest passes a month which can be used in any one month, during the hours 7am-5pm. After 5pm every day, members are able to bring up to 3 guests at any one time.
- When booking events, members are welcome to invite up to 3 guests at any one time to the clubhouse.
- If a meeting or private dining room has been booked, members are welcome to host as many guests as the capacity of the room or private office allows.
- The workspace, fitness and wellness facilities are reserved for members only.
- Barnsgrove requires members’ guests to leave when they do, and that they do not become separated whilst in the club.
- Where guests are visiting private offices, they are required to register at reception, where the member will be able to take them to their office area.
- Guests visiting private offices are welcome to have access to the tea and coffee facilities in the kitchenettes.
- Members are reminded that they are responsible for the behaviour of any guests they are hosting in the clubhouse.
- If a member’s guest’s behaviour is inappropriate, the guest may be asked to leave the club and the member may be required to meet with the Membership team.
- Members may wear whatever they feel comfortable in.
- When using the gym and studio, members must wear appropriate sports trainers. Tops are to be worn at all times.
- Barnsgrove is designed for adults and asks that its members respect their 18+ age limit during the week.
- Children are welcome in Palmers at Barnsgrove on the weekends and bank holidays up until 5pm.
- There are no pets allowed into the clubhouse except for service animals.
- Well-behaved pets are welcome to sit outside the clubhouse in the alfresco dining areas, but must be kept on a lead at all times.
- Each member will have an induction explaining how to use the equipment safely, and will be asked to sign a waiver.
- Members cannot use equipment until they have done a full fitness induction with a member of staff.
- Members must not use any gym equipment if they are injured or do not feel comfortable or competent enough to do so. All members must sign a waiver form stating that they are medically fit, after injury.
- The gym and studio must not be used whilst under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or any medication or substance that could affect the member’s ability to exercise safely.
- No food or drink apart from water is permitted in the gym and studio area. No glass bottles or containers are allowed to be used for water.
- Members are required to bring their own towels.
- Cleaning of the gym and studio will be provided throughout the day. However, members will also be required to wipe down the equipment after use with the products provided.
- A medical waiver must be signed before receiving any booked treatment.
- All treatments are booked direct with the therapist and any changes to or cancellations of appointments will be directly with the therapist. Where members book any third party service at Barnsgrove, Barnsgrove isn’t liable for the service provided by the third party provider.
- When booking a personal trainer, the member may request their preferred choice of trainer, but their availability cannot always be guaranteed; every attempt will be made to accommodate the member’s request.
- All payments must be made prior to booking a trainer or a class through the membership portal.
- A minimum of 24 hours’ prior notice of any cancellation of any personal training session, class or gym booking is required.
- Any sessions cancelled after the 24 hours’ notice period will be charged for and deducted at the full price.
- Where a session needs to be rebooked due to a trainer not being available, the Barnsgrove team will always endeavour to offer an alternative option.
- If a member is late for a session, the session’s duration will be accordingly reduced.
- Members’ belongings must not be left in the lockers overnight.
- Members are responsible for their possessions at all times on the premises. Barnsgrove will not cover any loss, damage or theft of members’ possessions (including any equipment brought by a member into the premises at any time).
- Any electronic equipment must be PAT tested and Barnsgrove reserves the right to confirm this at any time, requiring the member to remove such equipment if it does not then comply.
- Members should not leave unattended belongings on tables and chairs in the clubhouse space for more than 60 minutes. Belongings may be removed by staff and will be kept at reception for collection.
- Members should not leave belongings on chairs or tables in order to reserve spaces.
- Members should not ask the reception/ hosts to do secretarial work. They will of course assist with any problem arising from the use of any of the facilities.
- Any items left at the clubhouse will be kept at reception for 14 days. If unclaimed after this period of time, items will be donated to charity.
- Members should not use the club’s address as their registered office address. Resident Desk and Private Office members may, however, use the club for the purposes of receiving post.
- Space cannot be guaranteed in the clubhouse and is on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Phone calls or video calls are expected but members are required to keep noise to a minimum in common areas. The club’s zoom rooms or meeting rooms are recommended for any louder calls.
- Zoom rooms are non-bookable but members are requested not to use them for more than 90 minutes at a time.
- Pictures, recordings and videos must not be taken of other members or guests without their consent.
- There may be a professional photographer at certain events. If a member and their guests would prefer not to be photographed, they should inform the Membership Manager upon arrival.
- Pictures, recordings and videos are strictly prohibited in the gym and studio unless agreed by the Club Manager.
- Laptops and other electronic devices can be used in the clubhouse, but, in Palmers, all electronic devices must be put away at 6pm.
- For any persons using Barnsgrove’s wireless internet, such persons’ computers, tablets, mobile devices and other electronic equipment must be (a) kept up-to-date with the latest software updates provided by the software vendor and (b) kept clean of any malware, viruses, spyware, worms, Trojans or anything that is designed to perform malicious, hostile and/or intrusive operations. Barnsgrove reserves the right to remove any device from their networks that poses a threat to the Barnsgrove networks or users until the threat is remediated.
- Persons using the Barnsgrove space may not, without prior approval, operate any equipment at Barnsgrove that has a higher heat output or electrical consumption than in a typical office environment, or places excessive strain on the Barnsgrove electrical, IT, HVAC or structural systems.
- Meeting rooms are available for members to book (subject to availability) for a minimum of 1 hour per booking.
- To book a meeting room and receive room rates, members may contact reception or email
- Private Office and Resident Desk memberships are allocated 2 hours’ free meeting room and zoom pod hire per month. Bookings must be made as above, and availability cannot be guaranteed. These hours cannot be rolled over.
- Payment for meeting rooms will be taken at the time of booking.
- If a member wishes to cancel a meeting room, this needs to be done at least 24 hours prior to the booking. Otherwise, 100% of the booking will be charged.
- Complimentary tea, coffee and snacks will be arranged in the meeting room prior to the booking.
- If the member requires additional food and drink for the meeting, this needs to be pre-ordered 24 hours in advance.
- Members seen using a meeting room without a booking will be asked to vacate the room. If refused, the member will be charged accordingly.
- Members must not exceed the capacity limit for the room.
- There are no printing facilities available at the clubhouse.
- Private Office and Resident Desk members have access to printing facilities. Allowances can be purchased from reception
- Members will be required to order at the bar and pay for all items upon ordering.
- Upon ordering, members must show their membership card.
- Before leaving the club, members must ensure any charges incurred by them or their guests are paid in full.
- Members and guests may only consume food and beverages provided by the club on site.
- We ask that no food should be consumed in gym, studios, treatment rooms or zoom rooms.
- Resident Desk memberships allow for a permanent allocated desk for 1 person.
- The membership is a 1-year subscription paid upfront for the year at the start, or on a monthly basis.
- The person or entity who applies for the membership is responsible for the payment of fees.
- The renewal of the membership occurs annually but is not automatic and will be reviewed at the time of renewal.
- The membership can be terminated by giving 3 months’ notice (which cannot expire before the end of the year’s subscription).
- Members are not allowed to install cabling or light candles or incense.
- Members have access to the printing facilities and kitchenette, and have 2 hours’ free meeting room and zoom pod hire per month.
- Members cannot use the club’s address as their registered office address but they can receive post.
- Hazardous, dangerous, inflammable or explosive materials are strictly prohibited.
- Barnsgrove will provide basic assistance with setting up desks, connecting to standard Wi-Fi, as well as help with other technical equipment if applicable.
- Private Office memberships allow for a permanent allocated office for a team of up to 7 people.
- They require a 1 month’s deposit to be paid up front which will be kept in Barnsgrove’s Deposit Protection Scheme.
- The membership is a 1-year subscription paid upfront for the year at the start, or on a monthly basis.
- The person or entity who applies for the membership is responsible for the payment of fees.
- The renewal of the membership occurs annually but is not automatic and will be reviewed at the time of renewal.
- The membership can be terminated by giving 3 months’ notice (which cannot expire before the end of the year’s subscription). On termination, the deposit is repayable after your inspection of the office.
- Members are not allowed to decorate the offices, install cabling or light candles or incense.
- Members have access to the printing facilities and kitchenette, and have 2 hours’ free meeting room and zoom pod hire per month.
- Members cannot use the club’s address as their registered office address but they can receive post.
- Hazardous, dangerous, inflammable or explosive materials are strictly prohibited.
- Members may not install cabling or telecoms in their offices without first notifying and then receiving approval from the Barnsgrove management team. If requested, Barnsgrove will provide basic assistance with setting up printers, connecting to standard Wi-Fi, as well as help with other technical equipment applicable.
- Complimentary tea, coffee and fresh fruit is provided on a daily basis to the Studio’s kitchenette.
- There is a fridge, boiling water tap and microwave where members may store and cook food.
- When using the clubhouse, members are asked not to bring any ‘brought in’ food or drink into this space.
- Kitchenettes will be regularly cleaned but members should leave it as they’d like to find it.
- Members should not operate any other cooking appliances which have not been provided by Barnsgrove on the premises.
- Members’ post will be kept behind reception. Should any deliveries arrive requiring a signature, the reception team cannot accept these on behalf of a member. The team cannot store any large items being delivered and these must only be received by Private Office members.
- Each member is allocated a dedicated locker either by the door or by their desk. It’s important to keep this locker locked at all times. Barnsgrove does not accept any responsibility for anything stored in these lockers.
- These lockers must be emptied should the member choose to leave Barnsgrove.
- If a member forgets their code, reception will be able to assist the member.
- Barnsgrove has the right to terminate the agreement if a member provides them with details which they know to be false when applying for a membership. This includes becoming insolvent, bankrupt, going into liquidation, or becoming unable to pay debts as they fall due. At this point, the member will be in breach of these Terms.
- Neither members nor their guests shall do anything at or from the premises which is illegal, unlawful, immoral, unsafe or dangerous.
- Alcohol is only permitted in certain areas of the club and should not be consumed in the private offices or resident desk area.
- These rules may be revoked, added to, or changed by Barnsgrove at any time, provided they are updated on the website 14 days prior to implementation. A member’s continued use of the club following such changes constitutes their consent to such changes.
- Each member shall be bound by these rules and ensure that their guests permitted, attend in accordance with these rules as well.
- No illegal betting, wagering or game with dice (except for backgammon for no stake) may take place on the premises.
- Barnsgrove may close part of the premises to members and their guests from time to time for private events or for maintenance or repair. They will seek to notify members of this with as much advance notice as is practically possible in the circumstances. The club shall not be liable for any losses suffered by a member as a result of such closure.
- There is a no reservations policy during the daytime in the food and beverage areas at Barnsgrove. Palmers and Orchards operate on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Where there is an event including food and beverage, tickets will be available for purchase in advance through the members’ portal.
- Members may book tickets for themselves and guests to attend events; the number of guests will be dependent on the type of event.
- Paid-for events will not be refunded if cancelled with fewer than 24 hours’ notice of the scheduled start time of the event.
- Smoking is permitted in designated areas.
- All smoking including vapes and e-cigarettes are not permitted inside the clubhouse.
- CCTV is in place to safeguard members, staff and the clubhouse.
The club shall not be in breach of these rules nor liable for delay in performing, or failure to perform any of its obligations under these rules including the services, if such delay or failure results from events, circumstances or causes beyond its reasonable control including:
- Acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake or other natural disaster;
- Epidemic or pandemic;
- Government-imposed restrictions or other social gatherings or lockdowns (including as a result of epidemic or pandemic);
- Terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots, war, threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo or breaking off of diplomatic relations;
- Nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom;
- Any law or any action taken by a government or public authority;
- Collapse of buildings, fire, explosion or accident;
- Interruption or failure of utility service.
If a Force Majeure event makes it impossible for the club to provide services, the club shall be entitled to amend services in order to ensure that they continue as best they can.
Members agree that they do not have the right to terminate, suspend or cancel their membership or receive any form of refund where a Force Majeure event occurs that impacts on the services of the opening of the club.
Nothing in these rules limits any liability which cannot legally be limited, including liability for:
- Death or personal injury caused by negligence;
- Fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; and
- Breach of the terms implied by section 2 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982.
The club shall not be liable to the member for any:
- Loss of profits;
- Loss of sales or business;
- Loss of agreements or contracts;
- Loss of anticipated savings;
- Loss of use or corruption of software, data or information;
- Loss of or damage to goodwill; or
- Indirect or consequential loss.
Other than the liability which cannot be legally limited as set out above, the club’s total liability to any member whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise, shall be limited, in the aggregate, to the total fees paid by the member in the 12 months preceding the event giving rise to the liability.
These rules constitute the entire agreement between each member and Barnsgrove. Each party acknowledges and agrees that they do not rely on any statement, representation, assurance or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in these rules. Each party agrees that they shall have no claim for innocent or negligent misrepresentation based on any statement in these rules.
These rules do not give rise to any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any terms of these rules.
These rules and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales. Each party irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with these rules or their subject matter or formation.