Keep in Touch

Privacy Policy

This is the Privacy & Cookies Policy (the “Policy”) of Frank Butler Farms Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with registration number 00554437, with a registered office address at The Office Chosley Farm, The Street North Warnborough, Hook Hampshire, RG29 1BW t/a Barnsgrove (hereafter “Barnsgrove”, “we” or “us”). This Policy describes the ways in which Barnsgrove collects and uses information about you when you choose to become a member of its members’ club (the “Club”) via its website at (the “Website”).

Barnsgrove may change this Policy at any time and whilst it will tell you about what it feels are key changes to the Policy via the email address that you use when applying to the Club, please check it regularly to keep up-to-date. If you do not wish to accept the new Policy you should stop being a member of the Club. If you continue to be a member of the Club after the changes, your continued membership shows us your agreement to be bound by the new Policy.

This Policy was last changed in April 2024.

1. ICO registration and EU Representative: For the purposes of data protection legislation, Barnsgrove has registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”). Its registration number is ZA852869.

2. Information we use about you: We collect and process the following information from you via the Website:

What information do we collect?

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Any other information submitted when raising a query (whether in relation to membership, workspaces, events and/or careers)
  • The information collected via those cookies/technologies which are not necessary cookies, as set out in paragraph 7 below including technical data: IP address, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system, and platform, together with other technology on devices you use to access the Website.

When do we collect this?

  • If you choose to submit an enquiry or query via the Website
  • If you choose to subscribe to marketing emails from Barnsgrove by choosing to subscribe to such marketing emails on the Website.
  • If you choose to allow these cookies (other than necessary cookies) to be placed then Barnsgrove will place those cookies and therefore collect the information provided via them accordingly.

How do we use this information?

  • To answer your enquiry/query
  • To send you emails about our upcoming activities as well as other news and features relating to Barnsgrove.
  • To assess visitor numbers to our Website and how users interact with our Website, as well as for other maintenance and support purposes.

Our reasons

  • Consent
  • You choose whether or not to raise an enquiry or query with us and what information to provide to us in doing so.
  • We only send you marketing emails where you have consented to receive them, or if we are otherwise permitted to send them to you by law (e.g., by virtue of the soft opt-in) , and you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button in any marketing message sent to you.
  • We only place non-necessary cookies if you consent to these when first visiting our Website.

If you then choose to submit an application form to become a member of the Club we collect and process the following information:

What information do we collect?

  • Title
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Email address
  • Address
  • Registered business address
  • Telephone number
  • Financial data such as payment and card details and bank account information together with transactional data relating to any payments made by you (noting that such data will be processed by our third-party payment providers and the payment data you submit will be securely stored and encrypted by our payment service providers using up to date industry standards. We do not ourselves directly process or store payment details that you submit.
  • Contact information of any guest that you bring along as a member (where you confirm you have obtained their consent to provide such information to us)
  • Allergy data relating to food allergy information, intolerances and other preferences you may have
  • Any information collected from our use of CCTV footage if you come onto our premises

When do we collect this?

  • If you choose to sign up and become a member of the Club or join the waitlist (as applicable).
  • When required for the purpose of any catering services
  • We have CCTV cameras covering all external areas of our property, including the carpark, as well as on entrances to our property, and certain designated areas within our property (e.g., the staff room and stationery cupboard)

How do we use this information?

  • To create your member account and allow you to access and use the Club thereafter.
  • To ensure we provide the service you require
  • For crime prevention purposes

Our reasons

  • Contractual necessity or, in certain cases consent.
  • For the prevention of crime
  • We require certain details to create and administer the account in question, e.g., your name in order to send personalised system notifications, identify you at sign-in and for account administration purposes and your email address, address and, where applicable, billing information to verify your identity as a unique account identifier and charge you for being a member of the Club, together with other account administration activities. Other information will be collected on a consent only basis i.e., it is optional for you as to whether to provide that information or not and, if provided, is used by us to provide a more personalised service to you as a member of the Club.We may arrange that card or payment data you submit in support of membership application or subscription is stored for the purpose of processing your application, initiating your membership, and collecting subscription fees if your initial application is successful (or if you are on the waiting list, please note that this data may be stored for later use to initiate your membership and subscription).We may also store and use card or payment information for the purpose of processing any future payments that you make as a member or customer for other goods and services. We will store this data in accordance with our legal obligations under applicable law and only for so long as legally permitted.
  • We need the information to provide any catering service.
  • We require CCTV footage to be collected to keep our property and those areas covered by CCTV safe and secure.

3. Sharing your information with third parties: Some of the information Barnsgrove collects from you is passed to third parties. These third parties are:

(a) our IT suppliers and contractors who use such information to provide IT support and enable us to provide membership services and other goods/services available on this website or to members and guests;
(b) our payment provider services such as Stripe and GoCardless;
(c) our CRM system, currently PeopleVine;
(d) our PoS system, currently Toast;
(e) the entity who assists us with our electronic entity system;
(f) certain third party analytics and cookies providers as described further in paragraph 7 below;
(g) in the future, any group companies of ours;
(h) our regulator (the ICO);
(i) in anonymised form, Barnsgrove may share the information with:
i. any third party, in relation to the sale of some or all of Barnsgrove’s business, or its assets, or as part of any business restructuring or reorganisation. Barnsgrove will take steps with the aim of ensuring that your rights continue to be protected if your personal data is transferred under these circumstances;
ii. data aggregators and platform providers as part of an analysis of user metrics or sales performance; or
iii. law enforcement agencies in compliance with law enforcement.

4. Links to third party websites: Barnsgrove is not responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other sites even if you access them via the Website. You should check the policy of each site you visit and contact its owner or operator if you have any concerns or questions.

5. Security: Barnsgrove has implemented technology and policies to safeguard your privacy from unauthorised access and improper use.

6. Storage and Data Retention: We store your personal data in the UK. Where we permit any third party to transfer personal data outside the UK and/or EEA we ensure that we have an appropriate adequacy ground to do so e.g., SCCs. We retain your data for no longer than is reasonable in line with the purposes for which it was originally collected, although please note that we shall be entitled to anonymise any information collected hereunder and retain such anonymised data indefinitely in order to refine and improve our membership service.

7. Cookies/ other similar technologies:
(a) What are Cookies? Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device when you use the App. Barnsgrove’ use of cookies is detailed below. Session cookies enable you to move from page to page within the Website and/or and any information you enter will be remembered but is deleted when you close the page on the Website or after a short time. Persistent cookies allow us to remember your preferences and settings when you use the Website in the future.
(b) Disabling Cookies: The use of the cookies described above improves the functionality of the Website and your experience of using the Website. If you do not want these cookies to be served on your device, you are able to disable them by changing the settings on your device. Please note that if you do decide to disable cookies you may not be able to access the Website, and some of the features of the Website may not function properly.
(c) Third Party Cookies: Third Party advertisers may place or read cookies on your device when you use the Website. This Policy is applicable only to the use of cookies by Barnsgrove and does not cover the use of cookies by any third parties.
(d) More information: To find out more about how cookies work, how to manage and delete them and to see which ones have been set please visit or

Barnsgrove uses cookies and similar technologies in the following ways when you use the Website:

Strictly Necessary Cookies

PHPSESSID – This cookie is native to PHP applications. The cookie stores and identifies a user’s unique session ID to manage user sessions on the website. The cookie is a session cookie and will be deleted when all the browser windows are closed.

WPEmojiSettingsSupports – WordPress sets this cookie when a user interacts with emojis on a WordPress site. It helps determine if the user’s browser can display emojis properly.

8. Exercising your rights: You can contact us using the details set out in paragraph 9 below if you wish to: (i) access a copy of the personal data that we hold about you; (ii) correct any items of personal data that we hold about you; and/or (iii) have any items of personal data that we hold about you erased or object to our processing of such items of personal data. Please note that these rights only relate to your personal data and, as noted above, we shall be entitled to anonymise any information collected hereunder and retain such anonymised data indefinitely in order to refine and improve the Service to which these rights do not apply.

9. Barnsgrove Details: If at any time you would like to contact Barnsgrove about your views on this Policy or any enquiry relating to your personal information, you can do so by sending an e-mail to us at or write to us at Data Protection Query, Frank Butler Farms Limited, The Office Chosley Farm, The Street North Warnborough, Hook Hampshire, RG29 1BW. You also have the right to make a complaint to the ICO by contacting them at any time.

Members Club Opening September 2024

A family run, members clubhouse nestled in the heart of the Hampshire countryside. Join the waitlist for our private offices, resident desks or to become a member of our vibrant clubhouse.